
A Little About Me

I’ve always known I wanted to work with people, it just took some time for me to have a clear image of what it would look like. In 2019, when 4 of the closest women in my life gave birth within a span of 5 months of one another, I had a new insight of what pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period truly looked like in our modern world. I was amazed by the biological female body and what it is capable of, and I quickly realized women and birthing people need and deserve more support. I decided I wanted to become a doula and searched for a program that felt right for me. I found something better… This program was something out of a dream! The Holistic Reproductive Practitioner course created by Michelle Stroud of By The Moon in Belleville, Ontario.I registered for the course in the spring of 2020 and got accepted within a few weeks. At the end of the summer, the program began and I studied from a distance during a global pandemic, completed my required sessions and assignments while experiencing my own pregnancy, and welcomed my daughter in the spring of 2022. In between breastfeeding a newborn and discovering this new version of myself, the 2-year program became a 3-year program that I completed in the summer of 2023.

What does it mean to be a Holistic Reproductive Practitioner?

While my training and certification credentials refer heavily towards fertility and reproduction, as a Reflexologist, Reiki Practitioner, and Doula, I am qualified to work outside of those parameters. My well-rounded practice allows me to work with anyone (of any gender) with chronic health issues or unknown health issues, emotional and energetic support needs, lifestyle maintenance or adjustments, and bring balance back into the mind, body, and soul, all with a specialized focus on fertility, pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and loss. When working with me, know that you will always be met with a holistic approach in a gentle, safe, and judgment free environment. Client/ practitioner confidentiality is a deep-rooted value within my practice, rest assured that will always be my standard. I have been proudly working with and supporting my own clients since the beginning of 2021


I like people, I find them incredibly interesting. And don’t get me started on human anatomy - I think our bodies are the most brilliantly designed machine and can talk about it all day! My family is my “raison d'être” in life and being a mom is the greatest honor of my life. I’m quite specific when it comes to funny movies (as in I can’t stand Will Ferrell), I speak Italian with my daughter, I love cooking and baking especially when I get to share with the people I love, food is most definitely one of my love languages, and sushi is an absolute must when celebrating anything in life. I consider myself an introvert however I’m quite extroverted with my people. I love being at home, it’s my safe haven. I’m terrified of thunderstorms, scary movies, and the dark. My 10-year old dog will always be considered my puppy, and my quick fix for needing some self care is a burn-your-skin kind of hot shower, getting into pjs immediately after, lathering on a thick layer of homemade whipped tallow on my feet, and putting them into the coziest pair of wool socks.

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